Ingham ISD serves as a shared community resource that creates networks of support and enhances educational opportunities for all learners in our service area. Our board, administration and staff collaborate with educational and other community leaders to provide programs and services that fill learning gaps, save dollars and create efficiencies. We hope you will visit our website often to learn more about our quality offerings that continually evolve to meet our constituents' changing needs.
Recent News
Subscribe to RSS Feed for Recent NewsPUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 10:30am in the Lansing School District Administrative Building, 519 West Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, MI 48933, the Ingham Intermediate School District Superintendent, in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Education, will hold a public hearing to consider the Pre-Labor Day Start Waiver submitted by the district.
Mid-Michigan HumanEx Mini-Summit
Join us for an empowering leadership training featuring guest speaker John U. Bacon, best-selling author and leadership expert.
Ingham ISD Board Briefs
Ingham Intermediate School District Board of Education held a board meeting on February 18, 2025.
Video Highlight
Celebrating Safe Schools Week
Area School Directory

- Waverly
- Holt
- Haslett
- Williamston
- Mason
- Leslie
- Dansville
- Webberville
- Stockbridge
- Okemos
Lansing - Lansing
Dansville | East Lansing | Haslett | Holt | Lansing | Leslie | Mason | Okemos | Stockbridge | Waverly | Webberville | Williamston