Construction Trades

Choosing a career is a daunting task for any student. That's why the Construction Trades program helps students explore a wide range of construction opportunities in residential, commercial and industrial fields in both hands-on skilled trades, as well as project management. This allows students the best situation to choose a career with confidence.

Many of the graduates of this program have stepped directly into apprenticeship programs in masonry, electrical, plumbing and carpentry. Others have gone on to earn college degrees in construction management and are working for large commercial contractors around the state and country. Some have started their own business while others can work on their own homes.

Through both classroom and shop work, students will learn the basics of carpentry, framing, electrical, plumbing, HVAC and civil construction. Students will be exposed to other interesting areas of the construction business; surveying, drywall, painting, roofing, siding, tiling, furniture making, designing and estimating.

In the second year of the program, students will be eligible to participate in Work-based Learning. With this, they will be able to work with one of our many industry partners. This opportunity allows students to understand the issues and environments they will encounter in the construction field. After that, your future in construction is wide open as we have employers looking for students with the right skills and attitude.

Our mission is to provide students with the essential knowledge, skills, and work habits to excel in their careers and future learning.


Construction Technology

National Career Cluster

Architecture & Construction Pathway

Michigan Career Pathway

Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Pathway


Keith Cox
Alma College B.A.
Wayne State University – Masters of Arts in Teaching
State of Michigan Professional Cert. - Construction Trades

Instructional Assistant

Eduardo Castaneda, 517.244.1339                                                    

Types of Credit                               

  • One full fourth year math credit
  • One full third year science credit
  • Michigan Merit Curriculum:  Visual Performing and Applied Arts (VPAA), one full credit
  • World Language credit

Articulation Agreements             

  • Davenport University – up to 13 credits​​​​​​

Program Description

Construction Technology is designed and implemented as a two-year program. The program is divided into two halves and the curriculum alternates between the two years. So as a two-year student you will receive all of the materials offered/covered. As a one year student, you will receive half of the material that is being covered in that year.

Students will study safety, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, civil construction and success skills while in this class. This will be done to prepare the student to be able to enter, compete, and advance in the workplace. 

Students are given the opportunity for success through various methods of instruction coupled  with hands on experience. They will be given support as needed to help prepare them to be successful in the field of their choice and be a productive member of society.

Course Topics

  • Basic understanding of building process
  • Basic understanding of rough carpentry
  • Basic understanding of finish carpentry
  • Basic understanding of electrical
  • Basic understanding of plumbing
  • Basic understanding of HVAC
  • Basic understanding of green construction
  • Basic understanding of civil construction / heavy equipment
  • Basic understanding of construction management
  • Employable calculator and math skills
  • Teamwork and leadership skills
  • Skills to seek out, obtain, and keep a job
  • All aspects of construction safety

Exit Outcomes

The student will have acquired enough knowledge and experience to be able to continue with their chosen field. This can be done through further education in a university, trade school, apprentice program, or entry level construction position.

Work Based Learning Opportunities

  • Carpentry
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Civil Construction / heavy equipment
  • HVAC
  • Field trips
  • Guest Speakers

Grading Policy

35% Work Habits
25% Shop Performance and projects
25% Assignments
10% Planner pages/Notes
5% Electronic Use

A   93-100%
A-  90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B   83-86%
B-  80-82%
C+  77-79%
C 73-76%
C-   70-72%
D+   67-69%
D 66-63%
D-    60-62%
E    59% and below
W   Withdrawal

Cheating Policy

Students are expected to do their own work. If it is determined that a student has cheated that student will receive a zero on that assignment/project. If a student is found to be helping or contributing to another student cheating, that student will also receive zero on that assignment/project.

Student Expectations

Students are expected to give their best every day and to contribute to the class being its best every day. You will be expected to think beyond yourself and give an intentional effort to help make the other students the best they can be, as well as the class the best it can be.

Student are expected to follow all school and classroom rules as outlined in WTC handbooks, Construction handbooks, lesson plans and class instruction, both written and verbal.

There's also the expectation that each student will progress and get better as the year goes on. Work and behavior that may be acceptable as we are introduced to or learning something, may not be acceptable later when it is expected the students know more and is better at performing tasks.

Attendance Expectations

Students will be expected to follow the rules in the student handbook.

Any Unexcused absence in a marking period will result in a zero in attendance work habits.

Five or more unexcused absences can result in student being removed form WTC Construction Trades class and being returned to their sending school for a full schedule.

Construction Technology Program Virtual Tour


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Student Testimonials

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