New Media
If you are considering a career in music, production, design, film, photography or all things creative, New Media may be the program for you! This high-energy, one-year program offers students a chance to explore the many opportunities in this exciting field.
The New Media program offers curriculum designed to equip students with essential skills for a variety of content creation careers. By covering foundational knowledge such as color theory, composition, storyboarding and AI, alongside the use of industry standard software and equipment, students will be well-prepared for careers in fields like social media, animation, graphic design, digital film, photography, podcasting, music and many more. This comprehensive approach ensures that students will have both the creative and technical expertise needed to thrive in the evolving landscape for careers in digital media and content creation.
Students in the program will use state-of-the-art technology, work with real clients and create projects both individually and in teams. You will learn to problem-solve, work independently and learn to mirror industry standards technically and creatively. Field trips, competitions and scholarship opportunities round out the content of this program.
New Media Class Syllabus
Our mission is to provide students with the essential knowledge, skills, and work habits to excel in their careers and future learning.
New Media
National Career Cluster: Arts and Communications
Michigan Career Pathway: Arts and Communications
Niki Adams
BA Graphic Design – Spring Arbor College
MA Education CTE – Ferris State University, Adjunct Instructor
Michigan Film & Digital Media Advisory Council Member (serving currently)
LCC DMAC Advisory Council Member (serving currently)
Types of Credit
- Fourth year math credit
- Elective Credit: Recommended by WTC and awarded by sending school
Articulation Agreement
- Lansing Community College
Direct Credit
Ferris State University
Special Requirements
Professional Dress, Job Fair, Community Service, Mock Interviews, Portfolio Presentation, & Student Showcase
Program Description
Strict NO CELL PHONE Policy
Studies have found, when an individual is interrupted, it takes 20 minutes to get back into the zone. New Media students do not have the luxury of losing 20 minutes during class time. Cell phones must be placed in student’s assigned cell “cubby”. During break, students may have their phones, but cell phone must be placed back in the cell “cubby” on time and student must be ready to get back to work.
1st offense - warning + work habits will be impacted 55%
2nd offense - parent contact + work habits will be 0%
3rd offense - administration involvement
Career Readiness Curriculum - Explore. Create. Innovate.
Students will be engaging in an environment where they will dive into digital content
creation, learning industry-standard skills through hands-on projects. Our philosophy
champions a growth mindset, inspiring students to continually challenge themselves and
embrace new opportunities in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Explore the careers in
content creation. These careers include digital design & illustration, digital photography,
sound design and digital film. Students will be working independently, as well as in teams
on projects.
Students will be introduced to setting up their career profiles. They will learn to create a resume,
develop a portfolio, understand the importance of networking and participate in a mock interview.
Universal Learning
The New Media program is committed to universal learning and supporting all students needs. Our classroom space, routines, resources, and interactions will be as inclusive as possible. Treating each other with respect, listening to each other, having an open mind and a willingness to help each other learn is crucial to universal learning.
Industry Standards
Employability Skills
Success Criteria
- Attendance
- Work Ethic
- Coach-ability
- Critical Thinking
- Interpersonal Skills
Success Criteria
- Scope
- Organization
- Schedule
Success Criteria
- Pre-Production
- Production
- Changes
- Post-Production
- Quality
- Success Criteria
- * Efficient
- * Responsiveness
- * Meets Requirements
- * Aesthetic
- * Innovative
Success Criteria
- Reflection
- Feedback
- Written
- Verbal
Additional Outcomes
- Identify Classroom Rules and Procedures
- Explore careers in Illustration & Design
- Explore careers in Photography
- Explore careers in Digital Music & Foley
- Explore careers in Digital Film
- Post-Secondary Education
- Working with clients
- Job Shadowing
- Demonstrate Safety
- Community Service
- Promote Teamwork and Communication
- Professional Behavior
- Mock Interview + Portfolio
- Student Showcase
Exit Outcomes
Individualized career exploration, through classroom and Work-Based Learning opportunities, relative to the student’s broad and specific occupational interest.
Identification of and support for achieving an individualized Career Path Plan, to include post high school College or vocational training.
Work Based Learning Opportunities
Core of knowledge, skills and work habits to achieve entry level employment and internships in a variety of arts and communications careers.
Identification of and support for achieving an individualized Career Path Plan, to include post high school College or vocational training.
College articulation at Lansing Community College (optional).
Grading Policy
New Media will be using Evidence-Based Reporting (EBR) this school year. EBR is used to ensure that a student’s grade reflects their learning based on our course’s learning expectations. EBR is also known as standards-based grading which emphasizes mastery of skills rather than completion of tasks.
You may notice some differences in PowerSchool. There may be times when it seems like fewer grades are entered into the system or you may see projected grades. This is because EBR focuses on mastery of skills and collecting a variety of evidence rather than completion of tasks. It is intended to provide clear expectations regarding what they need to know/provide evidence for and gives them the ability to improve their outcome if they choose to do so. EBR allows students to have multiple opportunities to show what they have learned and earn an appropriate grade. Although the process of earning grades is different, all students will continue to earn letter grades that are reported back to their home district.
New Media Goal Calendar
There are 5 Industry Standards students will be graded on: Employability Skills; Planning Process; Quality; and Communication throughout the school year.
Employability Skills
Marking Period 1 | Marking Period 2 | Marking Period 3 | Marking Period 4 | Marking Period 5 | Marking Period 6 |
Developing (DV) | Developing (DV) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Proficiency (PR) | Proficiency (PR) |
I can demonstrate Employability Skills with instructional support & prompting. | I can demonstrate Employability Skills independently with instructional support and prompting. | I can demonstrate Employability Skills independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate Employability Skills independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate Employability Skills consistently & independently. | I can demonstrate Employability Skills consistently & independently. |
Project Management
Marking Period 1 | Marking Period 2 | Marking Period 3 | Marking Period 4 | Marking Period 5 | Marking Period 6 |
Developing (DV) | Developing (DV) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Proficiency (PR) | Proficiency (PR) |
I can demonstrate Project Management with instructional support & prompting. | I can demonstrate Project Management independently with instructional support and prompting. | I can demonstrate Project Management independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate Project Management independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate Project Management consistently & independently. | I can demonstrate Project Management consistently & independently. |
Marking Period 1 | Marking Period 2 | Marking Period 3 | Marking Period 4 | Marking Period 5 | Marking Period 6 |
Developing (DV) | Developing (DV) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Proficiency (PR) | Proficiency (PR) |
I can demonstrate the Process with instructional support & prompting. | I can demonstrate the Process independently with instructional support and prompting. | I can demonstrate the Process independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate the Process independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate the Process consistently & independently. | I can demonstrate the Process consistently & independently. |
Marking Period 1 | Marking Period 2 | Marking Period 3 | Marking Period 4 | Marking Period 5 | Marking Period 6 |
Developing (DV) | Developing (DV) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Approaching Proficiency (AP) | Proficiency (PR) | Proficiency (PR) |
I can demonstrate Quality with instructional support & prompting. | I can demonstrate Quality independently with instructional support and prompting. | I can demonstrate Quality independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate Quality independently with minimal prompting. | I can demonstrate Quality consistently & independently. | I can demonstrate Quality consistently & independently. |
A: meeting and/or exceeding the goal for all ECA's
B: not meeting goal calendar in 1 ECA
C: not meeting the goal calendar in 2 ECA's
D: not meeting goal calendar in 3 ECA's
F: NE in any ECA
Grades will also be influenced by the trend of scores. For example, if a student trends downward, his/her grade will likely be impacted negatively. If a student trends upward, his/her grade will likely be impacted positively.
Content Media Information
Ingham Intermediate School District (IISD) and Wilson Talent Center (WTC) seeks consent to share and/ or sell work which students’ have produced as part of the New Media Program. Our goal is to share these works with a broader audience and/or sell these works to provide our students with additional career based experiences. Any proceeds for sales will be retained by the New Media Program and used to help sustain the programs and services offered by the New Media Program. This is not a requirement, so your child’s grade will not be affected either way.
The New Media students will produce various materials and artworks as part of the curriculum of the program. These materials may include physical and/or digital objects and artwork. These materials and images remain the intellectual property of the New Media Program and WTC and with consent may be distributed throughout the facilities of Ingham ISD and WTC, the local districts we serve, the community, and/or websites including retail websites for the purpose of selling said work. Student work may be displayed via print and electronic means, including brochures, websites (school and/or retail), video presentation, and media outlets (e.g., newspapers, T.V. news).
Photos from the New Media program . . .
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New Media Program Virtual Tour
Student Testimonial
About New Media
1 year program
Offered AM and PM
Skills Students Leave With:
Computer Graphics
Digital Communication
Digital Filming
Digital Photography
Conceptual Design Process
Sound Design