Early Childhood Services
Early childhood education provides programs and services within Ingham County, through inter-agency collaboration, to promote school readiness of children birth through age eight. Programs and services support Michigan's Early Childhood Outcomes. Children are 1) Born healthy; 2) Healthy, thriving, and developmentally on track from birth to grade three; 3) Developmentally ready to succeed in school at the time of school entry; and 3) Prepared to succeed in grade four and beyond by reading proficiently by the end of grade three.
LANSING, MI – Ingham Intermediate School District will hold its biennial board member election on Monday, June 2, 2025. Two (2) six-year term seats on the Ingham Intermediate School District (ISD) Board of Education are up for election this year.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 10:30am in the Lansing School District Administrative Building, 519 West Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, MI 48933, the Ingham Intermediate School District Superintendent, in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Education, will hold a public hearing to consider the Pre-Labor Day Start Waiver submitted by the district.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
6520 Mercantile Way, Suites 1 & 2
Lansing, MI 48911
FAX 517.272.1216