The Ingham ISD supports MDE’s model of MTSS that focuses on leadership, professional development, and empowering culture within the context of curriculum, assessment, and instruction. The Student Instructional Services (SIS) team provides technical assistance to over 90 schools across all districts in the Ingham ISD service area. SIS supports preK-12 efforts in the areas of behavior, math, literacy, science, and social studies, for the implementation of the core components of Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
The Ingham ISD MTSS / RtI model focuses on leadership, professional development, and empowering culture within the context of curriculum, assessment, and instruction. The Student Instructional Services (SIS) team provides technical assistance to over 90 schools across all districts in the Ingham ISD service area. SIS supports preK-12 efforts in the areas of: Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, English Learners, PBIS, and Mental Health for the implementation of the core components of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
Ingham ISD 2024-2025 Professional Learning Sessions
Notice of Post-Graduation Opportunities Information Packet (Michigan Department of Education Memorandum)