Adult Roles
Our vision of the future at the Secondary Learning Center includes developing students to become:
Self-Directed Achievers
- completes his/her local graduation requirements, local school special education requirements, or selected IEPC goals for those on a non-diploma track.
- recognizes his/her talents and abilities through involvement in social, recreational and physical activities, as well as establishing realistic goals, priorities and action plans in academic, vocational and lifeskill areas.
- implements routines, applies strategies and follows through to task completion.
Lifelong Learners
- reads, writes, speaks, and computes at a level that allows him or her to function independently within personal, academic and vocational contexts.
Contributing Citizens
- demonstrates a knowledge of behaviors that are potentially harmful and strategies for prevention and response.
- works cooperatively and constructively with others to manage conflicts, solve problems, and accomplish goals.
Information and Technology Users
- uses technology to accomplish personal and vocational goals.