Organizational Goals
Strategic Plan 2022-25
Whole Child
Improve healthy, safe, engaging, challenging and supportive learning environments.
Objective 1:
Implement/strengthen multi-tiered system of supports to meet the academic and behavioral needs of all learners.
Objective 2:
Design and implement a system to improve outcomes and compliance for special education learners in the Ingham ISD service area.
Objective 3:
Expand learning opportunities for all learners.
Engaged Workforce
Ensure innovative solutions to attract, develop, engage, and retain a diverse workforce.
Objective 1:
Lead and support the organization in creating an inclusive work environment that reflects the diversity of the Ingham ISD service area.
Objective 2:
Attract top talent and provide a positive and consistent applicant experience.
Objective 3:
Enhance the employee experience that promotes overall well-being, productivity, and retention.
Increase awareness and understanding of intermediate school districts and how they support student and educator outcomes.
Objective 1:
Develop a system and structure to engage regularly with legislators about the important role ISDs play in educational attainment, birth to age 26.
Objective 2:
Engage with business leaders to understand the impact public schools have on the regional economy and the talent pipeline.
Ensure a welcome, safe, and flexible environment for all learners to reach their highest potential.
Objective 1:
Direct and partner with the architect and construction management company to complete the initiatives outlined in Phase I of our construction project.
Objective 2:
Develop and execute a plan to update, enhance and secure both physical and virtual technology systems.
Objective 3:
Review current space/data needs for both safety protocols and opportunities for programming on or off the Mason campus.
Contact Us
Ingham Intermediate School District
2630 West Howell Road
Mason, MI 4885
517.676.4930 (fax)