Special Education Administration
Ingham ISD coordinates and maintains the county Special Education funding system for all local districts and public school academies. Districts can choose to purchase special education programs and/or services from the ISD, contract with another local district or have funds distributed directly to their district for use.
Ingham Intermediate School District is committed to the practice and implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and will use Response to Intervention (RtI) data and the following considerations to determine the existence of a Specific Learning Disability.
Essential Considerations for Eligibility Decisions:
- Has the student received appropriate instruction in the general education setting?
- Has the student received evidence-based interventions that are targeted to his or her area(s) of need, in addition to core instruction?
- Does the student demonstrate insufficient progress (response to instruction & interventions) and inadequate achievement (gap between student and appropriate peer group)?
- Have appropriate data been collected to assess the student's response to the instruction/interventions, and have those data been shared systematically with the student's parents and/or caretakers?
- What relevant behavior was observed, and how did it affect academic functioning?
- Have data been used to rule out exclusionary factors?
- Does the student require specially designed instruction?
Each local educational agency and public school academy in Michigan is required to publicly post the process used to determine the existence of a Specific Learning Disability (SLD).
Specific Learning Disabilities Guidelines (August 2015)
Ingham ISD Plan for Delivery of Special Education Programs and Services is currently under review. Please call 517.244.1298 if you need this information.