Michigan Attorney General, State Police and Superintendent Remind Parents, Students of OK2SAY
LANSING – As schools embark on a new academic year, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, State Superintendent Dr. Michael F. Rice, and Michigan State Police (MSP) Director Col. Joe Gasper are teaming up to remind parents and students alike that Michigan’s student safety program, OK2SAY, is a valuable resource to help keep students safe.
“OK2SAY gives students the ability to report concerns directly, confidentially and with the understanding that caring adults will be involved and provide help,” said Nessel. “OK2SAY gives students a voice to break the code of silence by equipping authorities with the information needed to respond to threats and avert tragedy.”
OK2SAY, which is housed within the MSP Office of School Safety allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at students, school employees, or schools in this state.
“The Michigan State Police continues to be proud of the positive impact this program is having in improving safety within our schools and in supporting students,” said Gasper. “OK2SAY is a much-needed safety net that allows students and staff to reach out confidentially to get help and prevent tragedies.”
OK2SAY has received nearly 40,342 tips since the program was launched in 2014. Tips are categorized into 30 types, the top five of which are: suicide threats, bullying, drugs, “other” (e.g., anxiety, stress, depression, and harassment) and threats.
Update School Emergency Contact Information
Additionally, Attorney General Nessel, Superintendent Rice and Col. Gasper remind Michigan principals to fill out or update the online OK2SAY School Contact Form per Public Act 670 of 2018. This emergency after-hours contact information will allow OK2SAY technicians to efficiently communicate with school personnel about potential harm or criminal activities directed at school students, school employees and schools.
“OK2SAY gives students and young people a resource and an outlet to help protect themselves and others in danger,” Dr. Rice said. “Our young people are subject to so many pressures today, which can feel and be overwhelming at times, and we want them to know that there is a lifeline for them to get help.”
OK2SAY is available statewide for public and nonpublic schools in Michigan. To help create awareness about this important student safety program, schools are encouraged to use the resources provided by the State.
Attorney General Nessel has visited school districts across Michigan to review and discuss how they are using the Competitive School Safety Grants which the MSP began awarding to public and nonpublic schools, as well as school districts and intermediate school districts in 2015.
Additionally, Attorney General Nessel released a video in 2022 explaining the potential charges one could face if they make a threat of violence against a school, which include:
- communicating a threat of terrorism, 20-year felony;
- calling in a bomb threat, a four-year felony;
- malicious use of a telecommunications device, a six-month misdemeanor; and
- threatening violence against school employee or student, a one-year misdemeanor.
How To Submit a Tip
If you receive a threat or know of a threat of violence against your community, please contact your local law enforcement or call 9-1-1. Non-emergency tips can be submitted the following ways:
- Call: 8-555-OK2SAY, (855-565-2729 )
- Text: 652729 (OK2SAY)
- Email: OK2SAY
- Visit: OK2SAY website
- OK2SAY Mobile App: Available for download for Apple, Google and Android mobile devices.