September 20, 2024

Register to Vote!

Your voice matters—if you're 18 or older, take the first step in shaping your community by registering to vote today!

16 and 17-year-olds can now preregister to vote in Michigan. 

To preregister to vote in Michigan, an individual must:

  • Be a Michigan resident
  • Be a United States citizen
  • Be at least 16 years of age
  • Not be currently serving a sentence in jail or prison

Encourage young people you know to preregister to vote now so they can cast a ballot when they turn 18!

Learn more at

Visit the Michigan Voter Information Center for answers to questions like:

  • Am I eligible to vote? 
  • How do I register to vote or update my information online? 
  • I’ve moved. Do I have to update my registration? 
  • How do I register to vote on Election Day? 
  • What's the deadline to register? 
  • Where can I register to vote? 
  • Can I vote as a student? 
  • Has my polling place changed?